Hadron Physics Research Group

Department of High Energy Physics, Wigner RCP


Funding agencies and institutions that provide support to the group.

Current Grants

Collaboration PI Grant number Grant title
CMS F. Siklér OTKA K 146914 Consortional assoc.: Experimental study of strong interaction in the CMS collaboration
ALICE Gy. Bencédi OTKA PD 143226 Investigating small-system collectivity with identified particles using the LHC Run 3 data
independent, ALICE R. Vértesi OTKA FK 131979 Investigation of collective phenomena and multiple-parton interactions in small systems created at LHC energies using light- and heavy-flavor


Closed Grants

Collaboration PI Grant number Grant title
ALICE G. G. Barnaföldi OTKA K 135515 Study of exceptional nuclear effects in heavy ion collisions at the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
ALICE R. Vértesi NEMZ_KI-2022-00007 Measurement of heavy-flavor fragmentation in the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
ALICE Gy. Bencédi NEMZ_KI-2022-00018 Measurement of light hadrons and small systems in the CERN LHC ALICE experiment
CMS F. Siklér OTKA K 128786 Consortional assoc.: Novel tests of the strong interaction with the CERN CMS experiment
ALICE P Lévai OTKA K 106119 Attometer physics phenomena: experimental and theoretical studies at the CERN LHC ALICE detector
CMS D. Horváth OTKA NK 81447 Hungary in the CMS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
CMS SNSF SCOPES 128079 First years of data taking with the CMS experiment at the LHC
CMS, independent F. Siklér OTKA K 81614 New analysis methods and tests of quantum chromodynamics at the LHC
CMS F. Siklér OTKA K 109703 Consortional main: Hungary in the CMS experiment of the Large Hadron Collider
CMS SNSF SCOPES 152601 Preparation for and exploitation of the CMS data taking at the next LHC run
independent EC FP7 C 262025 Advanced European Infrastructures for Detectors at Accelerators (AIDA)